Escape From the Unknown Snow
So we made it down to the Little Yosemite Valley campground near the Merced River, and had some lunch. We even had a brief glimpse of sunshine while I put my feet up on the log. Then it got dark again. Time to move on.
So far today, we've left camp to climb Half Dome, returned to camp and packed up, and now are down near the Little Yosemite Valley Ranger Station on the map above.

By the time we get to Nevada Fall, it's hard to tell what the weather will be. It could put four inches on the ground in an hour, or just subside. You're miles out and thousands of feet up - with switchbacks or granite steps awaiting - what do you want to do?
Mitts and Goretex on Hand - no kidding
Here's a brief video looking around from the bridge as the snow starts.
After a few hours of enjoying snow squalls and great scenery in transition, we get near the bottom of the John Muir Trail switchbacks. We meet Jochgem and Rurik, brothers visiting from Amsterdam. They're enjoying every minute of it - we'll see them again tomorrow in the Visitor Center, and next to a warm fire the next morning at the breakfast deli.

By the time we get back to our base campsite, it's later in the day. Talk about an energetic day. Now we go for long hot showers and then a spin in the Laundrymat to get things clean, ready to bug out tomorrow morning.

In the laundry, one twin is very animated about his recent climb while the other listens intently. Sometimes you get a powerful feeling that two people really connect, and I got that feeling in spades watching these two as the dryers spun.
Just for fun, we bought a Yosemite Smores kit. I put the chocolate on the Graham Cracker, and then used dinner's Degnan's Pizza box as a heat shield for toasting the marshmallow over the (very) hot coals. Jackie thought it was great!
The next morning it turns out all the mountain passes out of the valley are closed. Today became a lazy, down day, with a nice breakfast, spending time in the Visitor Center bookstore, and just walking around.

The car park near Curry Village is packed, as nobody can get over the mountains. There are lots of interesting license plates, so here are just a few.

Dwn D Road? No, it "Up off the road". Thank Goodness for front wheel drive.
Lounging around, it's a Dog Day Afternoon.
Lots of people browsing in the valley Mountaineering store. A great selection for those of us that like Vertical Reality and climbing.
Expecting sunshine to come soon, I'm wearing my welding cap as I check out some new sunglasses.
At this time of year (June) the precip washes out a lot of pollen.
Outside the store, I'm sitting with some firewood and start chatting with Rich. He's camping with his wife Lee and son Mike. Jackie has a long talk with Mike about tracking and owls and so forth while Rich, Lee and and I get better acquainted. They're from Sandusky Ohio, a place I visited and enjoyed several years ago. We both hope the rest of your valley stay was lots of fun, with good pictures too!

A good dinner, wine, beer and a last night's fire finishes off the day for us.
Escape the Next Day Out Lone Pine Way
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Thanks to Google Earth you can see the path we took up to Cloud's Rest , and the campsites for nights 2, 3 and 4 out on the trail. The Half Dome trail goes off  from the top of the switchbacks just left of campsite 3. The blue trail was the path of our explorations on our lazy day.